Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting Around in the Cast

Crawling... Kendall started crawling the first day home in her cast.

Diaper Change: The first question everyone asks is "How do you change her diaper?".


Rolling... withing a week of being in the cast Kendall learned

to roll tummy to back and about 4 weeks with the

cast on she could roll back to tummy.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

6 Weeks of Hip Spica Cast

03/24/11 At Shriner's Hospital after surgery having nursing staff finish putting cast on.

Sitting in umbrella stroller at the table.

Using brother's bean bag chair to play with toys.

Playing at Mobius

The Cast

Sponge Bath

Sponge Bath

Hanging out in pajamas.

We let Kade pick Kendall's cast color... knowing his favorite color is pink.

Hanging out in bean bag chair and leggings.

At the end of 6 weeks Kendall found a way to get back into her "sexy pose" which she did constantly pre cast and quickly resumed post cast.

Lying on Kade's lap looking outside.

Last day in cast!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Giggling- March 2011

First Trip to the Park

We took the kids to the park in February... it snowed while we were there.

Kendall Crawls 01/31/11

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker