Saturday, November 13, 2010


Kade really wanted to be a firefighter this year... so we decided to get Kendall a dalmation costume. The dalmation costume we order was way too big for Kendall so we put her in Kade's first Halloween costume. They both were super cute!

Friday, November 12, 2010


At the end of October we spent a week with Nana and Papa at the beach in
Seaside, OR. We had a great time and it was so nice to get away.

Rice Cereal

Kendall started eating rice cereal a few weeks ago. The first time she didn't really seem to thrilled, but since then she has really taken a liking to eating at the table with us. On her 6 month b-day we celebrated with introducing carrots, which she thought was great!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nebraska/Denver Trip

Great Grandma Crow

Denver- Church Adam and I were married in.

Downtown Denver
Downtown Denver

Plane Ride

Friday, November 5, 2010

Giggling at Kade

No one can get Kendall to giggle as much as her big brother. I think these two are going to end up being great friends! Another video taken right before Kendall turned 4 months.


Taken 08/05/10. Kendall went through a couple of weeks that she would squeal non stop. She even started going hoarse for a few days. Unfortunately every time I came into the room she would stop.

Train Ride at Pig Out in the Park


Taken early September

Monday, November 1, 2010

September Nebraska Trip

In September Kendall and I took a sad trip back to Nebraska to visit my Grandpa Crow. We are morning the loss of him after his battle with cancer.
That day in September he was a great sport as we sat in his ICU room watching the Nebraska vs. Washington game. Wish it wasn't in the ICU but it will always be a fond memory. He is greatly missed.

4 Generations

Uncle Lane, Aunt Sarah, Owen and Carson

Great Grandpa Bud

Asleep on the plane.

Big Girl

3 months... Kendall's first time in the high chair.

Spokane Indians

In July and August we went to a couple baseball games.

Camp White

So I'm playing catch up. Finally got my pictures to my computer
after loosing my adaptor cord.
Back in July, when Kendall was just over 2 months we went to Camp White, a family reunion for Adam's mom's side of the family. Kade had fun with baseball and swimming in the river.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Talking to My Girl


Kade's 3rd Birthday

For Kade's Birthday we went to Silver Mountain Waterpark resort the day before and spent the night. The day of his birthday we came home and that night had cake and ice cream with family. It was a very nice day. His party was Toy Story themed... the last video is him saying "to infinity and beyond", which he was shouting all night long.
Grandma and Papa B.
Nana H.


Kendall's first bath in the tub.

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker