Sunday, November 25, 2007

Talking to my toys.

Don't Blame Me... I wore my onesie

Hope Everyone Had a Happy Thanksgiving

Kaden's New Discoveries

Inspired by Cousin Owen's recent posting of his "New Feats"... we are updating Kaden's newest discoveries.

Discovery #1
Of all of my fingers the thumb is the most delicious!
Disovery #2
I can roll from my tummy to my back. Even though I haven't rolled in over a week... mom and dad know I can because I've done it twice.

Discovery #3
I have feet!
Also I couple weeks ago I discovered that I have hands. I love to hold my toys!

Discovery #4
Mom's favorite discovery is that I've learned to sidebend left.
Yeeeeaaa Kaden!


He's just so cute... I couldn't resist posting another Halloween picture.

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker