Saturday, July 12, 2008

The After Party

After Kaden's birthday party he had his first experience with the ice cream truck.

He also played with his sprinkler ball that Aunt Kelsey gave him for his Birthday

Thank Heaven for Little Boys Born on 7-11

Kaden had a 7-11 themed birthday party in honor of his birthdate. We had lots of friends and family and the party was not complete without having some slurpee's. We had a great time.
Sitting with dad while opening presents

No caption needed.

Kaden with Cousin Spencer

Kaden with his friend, Thomas

Kaden playing in his new house with Cousing Spencer, Cousin Jed, and his friend Ella

Happy Birthday Kaden!

On Kaden's Birthday we gave him a new playhouse.
He loves to use the doorbell and to play with the phone.

1st Haircut

Kaden went for his first haircut about 1 week before his first birthday.
It was long overdue! Immediately before the haircut Kaden had a little meltdown but quickly rebounded and did great!


Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker