Friday, February 5, 2010

Baby Lincoln

Kade has a new cousin.
Finally another boy on the Brown side of the family.
Congratulations Aunt Emily and Uncle Josh.

Night Out

We have had the chance to get out for
a couple hockey games this last month.
Thanks Nana Karen and Aunt Kelsey for watching
Kade so that we could have a night out.

Kade and Owen Videos

Christmas with the Hickenbottom's in January

Nana and Baby Carson

Kade and Owen
Kade and Baby Carson

Kade and Owen

Christmas Day with the Hickenbottom's

Nana and Papa Hickenbottom

Christmas at the Brown's

Grandma and Papa Brown

Aunt Emily and Uncle Josh
Aunt Kelsey and Shawn

Christmas Morning

Hand to Head

Some kids suck their thumbs or carry around a blankie... Kade finds comfort in stroking his hair on the back of his head. This is how you'll find him much of the day.

Rock n Roll

Kade practicing his "rock n roll" skills at soccer tots.


Kade playing with J.C.

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker