Kaden is now 13 days old, and he could not be more loved! His hair is thinning which depresses his mom. His nickname however is "monkey" becuase of his long arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers and toes, plus the dark brown fine peach fuzz covering his arms, legs and back. He definetly has his mom and dad's genetics when it comes to not lacking hair. He is such a calm baby, and has been easy to take care of minus the lack of sleep. At his doctors appointment on 7-19-07 he weighed 7lbs and 4 Oz. The doctor reports he wont be a colicky baby because he has such a calm temperament (I'd like that in writing). Although he spends most of his day sleeping or eating he is slowly becoming more alert and awake a little more each day. Grandma H. swears that he understands what people are saying because he has the otherwise unexplainable ability to grin and frown approriate with conversation.
We'd like to say hi to dad who is at work so he can bring home the bacon. This is Kaden and Mom's first day home alone together (so far to good) just miss daddy.